I almost didn't write a review on this movie simply b/c it left me with nothing to say. It's not a bad movie, it's not a good movie. It's just kind of...there. Predictable? Yes. Entertaining? A little. I don't think I would recommend it to too many people, but if someone said that they just rented it, I wouldn't chastise them for wasting their time/money. Here are probably the best conditions for this movie: 1. a rainy day 2. You don't want to have to think too much 3. Nothing good on TV.
Don't get me wrong, Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson are both in it, so it can't be all bad. Some might say the worst thing a movie/book can do is make you indifferent towards it and that's exactly how I feel towards this movie. I watched it and then forgot about it the second it was over. If your day fits the above criteria, then give it a whirl.
Overall, I'd give it an "ehhh" w/ a shoulder shrug

movie side note: I got nothin'. I'm still thinking about "Star Trek."
yeah, I wasted money actually seeing this in the theater. It was predictable. If not for the actors I probably would have skipped altogether.