I don't see a lot of movies in the theater simply b/c it's too expensive. But with summer blockbusters here, I have to splurge every once in a while. Wolverine was one of my acceptions. I saw it Saturday night and wasn't too impressed. The first 20 minutes or so are awesome. It tails off a bit after that. I was impressed by how many times they figured out ways to have Hugh Jackman in a scene without his shirt on. Matthew McConaughey must be pissed. I suppose my expectations were a bit too high. The movie is probably better than I'm leading on, but I had high hopes for this one. Between wolverine being topless and saying "grrr" everytime he got mad, I just thought it lacked in several areas. Gambit was a great character. I wish he had been more involved in the story. I think whatever movie follows this one will be a lot better. Overall, I'd give it a pretty good.
extra movie note: it's unfortunate that Hugh Jackman plays a tough character like wolverine, he's super jacked, and people still question his sexuality. Reminds me so much of my friend Garrett when we were in high school.
The closer I look, the both kinda look alike.
extra movie note: it's unfortunate that Hugh Jackman plays a tough character like wolverine, he's super jacked, and people still question his sexuality. Reminds me so much of my friend Garrett when we were in high school.

I question Garret's sexuality because he tried to give me a lapdance once wearing nothing but a purple thong. Not that the thong part really matters...the lapdance alone should be enough. It just makes the story much more..."X-Citing".
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