Sunday, May 31, 2009


Ugh, I have no idea why, but I actually had high hopes for this most recent Tom Cruise dud. "Valkyrie" had every opportunity to be a good movie, but it managed to miss every one of those opportunities. I suppose if you're dying to see this movie, go ahead. It's not a complete waste of time, but don't expect for this to be Tom Cruise's "comeback" movie. He hasn't all.

You might be wondering how I can think "Paul Blart" was a good movie and "Valkyrie" not. In movies, though, you have to consider them in context. Who has expectations for a movie named "Paul Blart?" Not me. Therefore, it wasn't that bad, b/c it was never supposed to be "good." "Valkyrie" however, took itself very seriously. It had several different characters played by accomplished actors. The problem is, the characters never really developed and the movie just seemed to fall short. Watching this movie, if anything, is merely scratching the itch. If you're curious about Tom Cruise's latest, go ahead and watch it. But don't expect much. Tom Cruise isn't terrible in it. The movie just doesn't hit. There's something missing. If you want to see a great Tom Cruise movie, watch "Tropic Thunder" instead

Overall, I'd give it a: don't skip "The Duel" for it
- Goose and Mav taking notes on how to be 'cool like James'

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