Everyday at 4:00pm, I'm at home, feet propped, watching me some "King of Queens." I know it's not the funniest show ever (it doesn't even hold a candle to "Seinfeld"...what does?...did i just make that saying up "hold a candle to..." or is that legit?) but I think Kevin James is hilarious. Usually my afternoons are uninterrupted, unless Garrett calls to tell me how he just learned to snap, or how at the ripe age of 29, he's finally learned how to shoot a basketball like a normal person. But that's neither here nor there.
Whether it's stand up comedey or sitcoms, Kevin James is funny. That is why I enjoyed "Mall Cop." The movie is PG, so don't expect any Judd Apatow type humor. I suppose b/c we live in a world where comedic movies are based on how many times you can show male nudity, drop the F-bomb (or even have kids use that language), etc, I find it refreshing that some movies DARE to be funny w/out resorting to those tactics. "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" is a
pretty good movie. There are a few funny scenes, not very long, and clean. If you like Kevin James, you'll enjoy this movie. It's not a movie you're going to be quoting the next day, but it's perfect for watching after a big meal, when you're barely conscious (which was my state). Also, if you enjoyed "Bedtime Stories," you'll probably enjoy this as well.
Overall, I'd give it a: sure, why not?
movie side note: watch out for actor Adhir Kalyan. I doubt you'll recognize him from anything. He plays the character "Pahud." I only mention him b/c the 2 or maybe 3 scenes he is in are hilarious. I wish he had been in it more.
Also, if you too are a fan of Kevin James and have often thought to tell your spouse to "Shutty"...DON'T. Every time I've tried it w/ my wife, it results in me getting punched, kicked, or...pinched - and that's the worst.