Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'm not too sure what say about this movie. It wasn't as terrible as I thought it was going to be. I'm not too sure if that's a complitment though. When my friend Carey played golf for the first time with me, his game wasn't as terrible as I thought it was going to be, but he still shot around a 145 (which is, in fact, terrible). But based on the fact that he runs like a chicken, I was expecting a lot worse. Same goes for this movie. From what I heard about it, I thought it was going to be on the same level as "Catwoman" or "Daredevil" but I honestly didn't think it was that bad. My wife loved it, so maybe it's for those sentimental types who cry during sensitive tissue commercials. I don't know. I certainly wouldn't recommend "Twilight" to anyone, but I also wouldn't laugh in their face if they were being forced to watch it by their girlfriend or wife. Overall, I'd say it was just above ok.

Movie side note: If you want a good laugh, watch for when "Edward" carries the girl up the mountain on his back. Might be the weirdest looking thing I've seen in a movie in a long time. He looked like an Irish step dancer. His upper body was completely still while his lower legs flailed around like a worm trying to get off a hook.


  1. Agreed. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The books are much better. However, I could watch Edward ALL day long.

  2. How do I run like a chicken? When have you seen me run? This is troubling.

  3. It is a pretty good movie if you are expecting a movie on the level of something that would feature Meg Ryan or Jennifer Lopez. I thought I was watching a vampire movie like Blade or Underworld, so I was slightly disappointted. The thing that guys can take away from it is that girls love how much Edward has to sacrifice to be with Bella, girls dig that (along with his pasty white face and armpit sweat in the cafeteria scene).
